Wind Power vs Solar Power | Pros and Cons

Wind Power vs Solar Power | Pros and Cons

Many homes in various nations are turning to power their homes with renewable energies. When you decide to go for off-grid or grid-connected power systems, you have two primary options for renewable energy equipment. These options include wind turbines and solar cells. So, which one is suitable and better for you? Wind energy or solar energy?

What is wind power?

Wind power is a popular renewable energy source with a lower environmental impact than burning fossil fuels. It is extracted from the power of the wind turbines. Electrical slip rings are widely used in wind turbines for transferring signals and data from the nacelle to the control system of the rotary blades. This process of transmission converts the kinetic energy of the air into electrical energy.

wind power vs solar power, wind power pros and cons, pros and cons of wind power

Pros and cons of wind power

Every form of energy comes with its benefits and disadvantages. And wind energy is not an exception to having a double-sided effect on humans and their environment. Here are some of the pros and cons of wind power;


1.Cost efficiency: Although the upfront cost of turbines and wind farms as a whole can be costly during installation. But once it is fully set up, the cost and expenses become minimal. The wind turbines are dependent on the power of the Wind produced with no need for fuel to run it. Also, wind power does not require much cost of expenses for maintenance and sustainability.

2.Cleanness and Renewability: Unlike other energy forms, wind energy does not contribute to climate change. Wind does not emit greenhouse gases, unlike fossil fuels such as natural gas, coal, or oil. Besides, wind energy will never run out for its total renewability. Unlike fossil fuels that can quickly run out, Wind occurs in the atmosphere naturally, hence securing a good source of power for a lifetime.

3.Space Efficient: Although the wind farm can take a whole lot of land, Wind turbines consume a small amount of land. Wind farms can be used for other profitable things like farming and rearing livestock. Hence, it makes the wind land economical and farming friendly.

4.Lowers dependency on fossil fuels: The energy produced from fossil fuels will not only run out, but they contribute a whole lot to climate change. And also, since wind energy is a good way of saving funds and taxes, it reduces our dependency on fossil fuels that are costly and not promising.


1.Noisy: One of the significant disadvantages of wind energy is its noise during operation. This noise comes from the wind vortex created during the rotation of the blades and mechanical operation. And the noise wind energy produces is one of the main reasons it is majorly found in places far from residential areas and rural areas where few people reside. The improvement in technology has led to the emergence of newer designs that have shown to lessen the noise complaint, giving a quieter presence.

2.Intermittent: The disruption caused by the Wind’s inconsistency makes it intermittent. And its complete dependency on the Wind makes it difficult to predict the amount of electricity it will generate per time. Besides, the turbine’s rotor won’t even spin if the Wind’s speed is shallow. Hence, it is essential to have alternative sources of power or energy reserves if the wind speed is very low for a long time.

3.Dangerous for wildlife: The structure of wind turbines poses a threat to wildlife. The turbines’ blades can injure or kill flying species like birds and bats if they run into them. The natural habitat of local species can also be disrupted by the construction of wind farms unless if conducted sustainably.

What is Solar Energy?

Solar power is energy that is generated from the sun and then converted into electrical or heat energy. Solar Energy technologies can make use of this energy for many purposes. These purposes include generating electricity, providing light or creating a comfortable indoor environment, and heating domestic, industrial, or commercial water for use.

pros and cons of solar power, solar power pros and cons

Pros and Cons of solar power

Like I said earlier, every form of energy comes with its advantages and disadvantages. And here, we will be checking some of the pros and cons of solar power.


  1. Renewable: Out of all the advantages of solar panels, the essential one is the renewability of solar energy. Solar energy is used all over the world, and it is also available every day. Unlike some other energies powered by fossil fuels, solar energy cannot run out. As long as we have the sun, Solar energy will remain accessible to us. As predicted by scientists, for at least 5 billion years, sunlight will be available to us.
  2. Diversified applications: You can make use of solar energy in several ways. You can use solar energy in generating electricity (photovoltaic) or heat (solar thermal). You can use solar energy to distill water in limited drinking water supplies and power space satellites. You can integrate solar energy into building materials. And it has recently been introduced transparent solar windows.
  3. Low costs of maintenance: Solar power systems do not require extensive maintenance. It would be best to keep them reasonably clean, so cleaning them a few times a year is enough. There is no wear and tear due to the presence of no moving parts in it. The only component that needs replacement is the inverter which is after about 5-10 years. The replacement is due to its continuous conversion of solar energy into electrical and thermal energy (solar photovoltaic or solar thermal). Your cables also require maintenance to ensure the maximum efficiency of your solar power system. After the payment of the original cost of the solar system, you can count on the low cost of repair and maintenance.


  1. Cost: The cost of acquiring a solar system is relatively high, including paying for solar panels, inverters, batteries, wiring, and installation. However, solar technology is constantly evolving, so it can be assumed that there will be a notable fall in the price in the future.
  2. Depending on the weather: There can still be a collection of solar energy during rainy and cloudy days. But it will result in a reduction in the efficiency of the solar system. Solar panels rely on sunlight to efficiently generate solar energy. Hence, some cloudy and rainy weather will have a significant impact on the solar system. You should also know that there cannot be a collection of solar energy at night.
  3. Consume a lot of space: The more electricity you want to generate, the more the required solar panels because of the need to collect as much sunlight as possible. Photovoltaic solar panels take up a lot of space. And some roofs are not large enough to accommodate the required number of solar panels you want to have. Another way is to install some panels in your garden, but they need to get sunlight. If you don’t have sufficient space to install all the solar panels you need, you can install fewer to meet part of your energy needs.

Comparison of Wind and Solar Energy

  1. A private photovoltaic system can save 1.3-1.6 tons of carbon dioxide per year for ordinary households. In comparison, a residential wind turbine can save you about 3.4 tons of carbon dioxide per year.
  2. The average power of a residential solar photovoltaic system is 4 kilowatts (13-16). Panel) and cost about €6,200. While Depending on the turbine you choose, the cost may be between £9,900 and £30,000.
  3. Solar panels usually have a 25-year warranty but can be used for an additional 10-15 years. In contrast, turbines should last for more than 20 years.
  4. There are approximately 840,000 households in the UK with solar panels. At the same time, over 4000 domestic wind turbines were registered in the UK from 2010 to 2017.
  5. A 4 kWh factory in southern England can generate about 4,200 kWh of electricity per year. In comparison, a well-maintained 6 kW turbine can generate about 9,000 kWh per year.

Wind and solar energy: which one is better?

Both Wind and solar energy are fantastic ways to generate renewable energy for your home and offices without increasing your carbon footprint. However, for us, solar is the clear winner.

Wind turbines are an excellent choice if you can afford the initial cost. But you need to consider your location, the regular wind speed, and whether it requires your planning permission before investing in it or not. Plus, not many people can afford a whole lot of money of about £30,000. On the other hand, solar panels are the perfect fit for residential areas due to their affordability and can still offer a dependable electricity supply on an overcast day.


Although smaller-scale solar is the best option, wind power makes the most sense at the utility level. This means it makes sense when wind energy is needed to be used to generate large amounts of electricity reliably, like generating electricity in a group such as a city farm or power plant.

Your mileage will vary for each case, but this should at least give you a good understanding of the differences between wind and solar energy sources and why they are both a valuable part of the clean energy puzzle.

© wind power vs solar power pros and cons.

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