21. A magnetising force of 800 AT/m will produce a flux density of ………in air.
(i) 1 mWb/m2
(ii) 1 Wb/m2
(iii) 10 mWb/m2
(iv) 0.5 Wb/m2
Answer: (i) 1 mWb/m2
22. The saturation flux density for most magnetic materials is about ……
(i) 0.5 Wb/m2
(ii) 10 Wb/m2
(iii) 2 Wb/m2
(iv) 1 Wb/m2
Answer: (iii) 2 Wb/m2
23. Hysteresis is the phenomenon ……… of in a magnetic circuit.
(i) lagging of B behind H
(ii) lagging of H behind B
(iii) setting up constant flux
(iv) none of the above
Answer: (i) lagging of B behind H

24. In the above Fig.the point ………. represents the saturation condition.
(i) b
(ii) c
(iii) a
(iv) e
Answer: (iii) a
25. In the above Fig. ………. represents the residual magnetism.
(i) of
(ii) oc
(iii) ob
(iv) none of the above
Answer: (iii) ob
26. In the above Fig. oc represents the
(i) residual magnetism
(ii) coercive force
(iii) retentivity
(iv) none of the above
Answer: (ii) coercive force
27. If a magnetic material is located within a coil through which altenating current (50 Hz frequency) flows, then ………… hysteresis loops will be formed every second.
(i) 50
(ii) 25
(iii) 100
(iv) 150
Answer: (i) 50
28. Out of the following materials, the area of hysteresis loop will be least for ……..
(i) wrought iron
(ii) hard steel
(iii) silicon steel
(iv) soft iron
Answer: (iii) silicon steel
29. The materials used for ……….. the core of a good relay should have hysteresis loop.
(i) large
(ii) very large
(iii) narrow
(iv) none of the above
Answer: (iii) narrow
30. The magnetic material used for ………. should have a large hysteresis loop.
(i) transformers
(ii) d.c. generators
(iii) a.c. motors
(iv) permanent magnets
Answer: (iv) permanent magnets
31. When transformer primary is fed from a.c., its core heats up due to
(i) permeability of core
(ii) reluctance of core
(iii) ferromagnetism
(iv) hysteresis loss
Answer: (iv) hysteresis loss
32. Hysteresis loss can be reduced by
(i) laminating the magnetic circuit
(ii) using material of narrow hysteresis loop
(iii) increasing m.m.f. of the circuit
(iv) none of the above
Answer: (ii) using material of narrow hysteresis loop

33. What is the mean magnetic length of the magnetic circuit shown in the above Fig.
(i) 1.2m
(ii) 2.4m
(iii) 0.24m
(iv) 0.8m
Answer: (iii) 0.24m
34. The magnetic flux density in the core in the above Fig. is
(i) 1 T
(ii) 0.5 T
(iii) 1.5 T
(iv) 0.8 T
Answer: (i) 1 T
35. If the magnetising force required at the working flux density in the above Fig. is 400 AT/m (form B-H curve), the required number of turn is
(i) 120
(ii) 240
(iii) 180
(iv) 320
Answer: (iv) 320
36. The hysteresis loop for materials having high retentivity is
(i) wide
(ii) narrow
(iii) straight line passing through origin
(iv) data insufficient
Answer: (i) wide
37. Fringing effect is ignored in a magnetic circuit if air-gap is
(i) large
(ii) small
(iii) very large
(iv) none of the above
Answer: (ii) small
38. An air-cored coil carries steady current. If air-core is replaced by a ferromagnetic material, the flux density in the core will
(i) remain same
(ii) decrease
(iii) increase
(iv) none of above
Answer: (iii) increase

39. Another name for B-H curve in the above Fig. is
(i) magnetisation curve
(ii) permeability curve
(iii) shielding curve
(iv) none of above
Answer: (i) magnetisation curve
40. Which point in B-H curve in the above Fig. is the saturation region ?
(i) point 5
(ii) point 2
(iii) point 1
(iv) point 4
Answer: (iv) point 4