English Grammar

Types of Clauses in English

A Clause is a part of a sentence having its own subject and predicate. Clause Analysis is the complete course in mastering the art of breaking up simple or complex or compound sentences into their different components for better understanding. It contains various rules for analyzing different kinds of clauses with several examples. The exact […]

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Synthesis of Sentences

A sentence is a group of grammatically linked words that expresses a complete thought. The process by which two or more simple sentences are joined to form one-simple, compound or complex sentence is called synthesis. The process of breaking a sentence into phrases and clauses is called analysis. Synthesis of sentences is the opposite of

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Kinds of Adjectives

Kinds of Adjectives There are ten kinds of Adjectives: 1. Proper Adjectives The Adjectives formed from Proper Nouns are called Proper Adjectives. As: Indian coast, French wine, American culture, English language, Shakespearean plays. 2. Descriptive or Qualitative Adjectives The Adjectives which describe the merits or demerits, shape and size, colour and form, good qualities or

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